Thursday, March 26, 2015

And the Lie Is...

Thanks for all your comments yesterday. 
I mentioned 3 truths and a lie I shared at a staff ice breaker. 
They were:
1. I sailed the Greek islands on my honeymoon with a captain named Philip.
2. I was a contestant in a game show when I was in college.
3. I was an extra in a Woody Allen movie.4. I got stuck in an elevator in London and called a friend in the U.S. for help.

Good guesses, everyone! The lie is (drum roll please) #2. I love to play along with Jeopardy but I was never a game show contestant. 
My husband and I did go to Greece on our honeymoon. Knowing how much he loves to sail, I organized a 5-day sail of all those tiny islands the cruise ships can't get to. The sailboat came with a captain who spoke almost no English but he accompanied us everywhere. We still laugh about spending our honeymoon with Philip!
I was an extra in a Woody Allen movie!! When I was in junior high school, I was a member of a community group that got invited to be extras in the movie. We had to dress up in 1950s style and we were paid ($50, I think - it was a long time ago), but I had to donate the money back to the organization. It wasn't one of Woody's best, but it was fun to watch and look for myself!
And yes, I got stuck in an elevator in London - one of those tiny ones, and I was with my whole family! At first we thought it was funny, then we (I) started to panic. We tried to call for help but nothing was working. So my husband called his business associate back in the states, who called the local London fire department to send for help. Eventually, we got out.
Thanks for playing along. 


  1. Great idea! We play this with our ESL students. It is a great way to get to know them and for them to get to know me, too. I never thought of using it as a basis for a post. I love getting new ideas for my blog.

  2. It was fun to try and guess. The truth is always so interesting!

  3. And those European elevators are so small! Yikes. Great Slice.

  4. Fun! I love this game - you've had quite a few adventures!

  5. You eventually got out. Did the fire department have anything to do with that successful exit?!
